Historical styles of clothing worn by the Han Chinese. Most styles have a “y” shape collar, but there are also styles with a rounded collar.
There are several styles that are at times mistaken for kimono (most notably ruqun). You can typically distinguish between them based on the hairstyle and headwear. Males' hair may be pulled back into a simple ponytail or bun or held by a coronet. Emperors or princes may wear mian guan. If nothing else, huadian (forehead mark), or the circular fan is an easy distinguishing mark.
Hanfu differs from Qing era clothing. Hanfu specifically refers to clothing worn during dynasties wherein the ruling class was made up of the majority Chinese ethnic group, the Han. The Qing Dynasty was ruled by the Manchu ethnic minority. The frog button and mandarin collar style clothes, often simply refered to as Chinese clothes, are not Hanfu, as they are not Han clothing, but in fact Manchu. This goes too for other erhnic minority clothing in china, such as Miao clothes or Uygur clothes. These fall under the umbrella of Chinese clothes, along with hanfu.
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This tag implicates chinese_clothes (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: aoqun, black_hanfu, blue_hanfu, duijin_ruqun, green_hanfu, jiaoling_ruqun, pink_hanfu, qixiong_ruqun, red_hanfu, ruqun, white_hanfu, and zhijupao (learn more).
有时有几种样式被误认为和服(最著名的是Ruqun)。您通常可以根据发型和头饰区分它们。雄性的头发可能被拉回简单的马尾辫或bun头,或者由冠冕。皇帝或王子可能会戴上米安·贡(Mian Guan)。如果没有其他的话,huadian(额头标记)或圆形风扇是一个容易区别的标记。