Sexually explicit or sexually suggestive artwork of girls who appear to be preadolescent, regardless of canonical age (the "millennia-old unaging vampiress that looks like a grade-schooler" trope, for example).
Loli is applicable to ratings Explicit, Questionable, and Sensitive. Completely work-safe, non-sexual (ie, rating:general) artwork of young girls should not be tagged as loli, use child or petite instead. If you are unsure whether a post fits, ask in the loli/shota check thread.
This is a censored tag, which requires a Gold+ Account to view.
- child
- flat chest
- kodomo doushi
- lolibaba
- lolidom
- mesugaki
- onee-loli
- oppai loli
- petite
- shota
- small breasts
- toddlercon
- help:censored tags
The following tags are aliased to this tag: lolicon (learn more).