implacable (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Implacable (R86). Character designed by Kincora and voiced by Yukana.

She has very long blonde hair, red eyes, and large breasts.

Her default outfit is a nun habit, white dress top and black pelvic curtain, white thighhighs, black gloves, and black high heels. Her rigging consists of a large golden cross to her back with chains, white wings, and statues, a long black wrap meant to serve as her flight deck, and four 113 mm twin DP mounts.


Reference sheet


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The following tags implicate this tag: implacable_(shepherd_of_the_"lost")_(azur_lane) (learn more).

Azur Lane對皇家海軍航空母艦HMS的拟人化(R86)。由Kincora設計的角色,由Yukana配音。

她的默認服裝是一個修女的習慣,白色連衣裙和黑色的骨盆窗簾,白色大腿,黑色手套和黑色高跟鞋。她的索具由鏈條,白翅膀和雕像帶到她的背上,這是一個長長的黑色包裹,旨在用作她的飛行甲闆,以及四個113毫米的Twin DP坐騎。

類型 角色
英文名 implacable (azur lane)
日文名 インプラカブル
别名 ;インプラカブル(アズールレーン);インプラカブル