kawakaze (azur lane)
Ninth ship of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers, IJN Kawakaze (江風), as she appears in Azur Lane.
Kawakaze in story serves as the bodyguard for Nagato. Her demeanor is typically much colder in comparison to her sisters, likely as a result of such a serious duty.
As she was designed by Nagishiro Mito, she bears a striking resemblance to Shirakami Fubuki, seemingly look-alikes (they are both variants to the artist's monochrome-style fox girl design). While it has been pointed out long ago, it came even further to light when the latter became available in the game via a collaboration event in December 2019, Fubuki even having a line pointing this out.
Voiced by Iguchi Yuka.
See post #3144151
Kawakaze has blue eyes, very long white hair, as well as fox ears and a fox tail that both have accents of black. Her outfit consists of black and white kimono, that also possesses a sailor collar and blue ribbon similar to a serafuku. She wears a black pleated skirt, black thighhighs and heels that appear to be made out of metal plates. She also possesses several straight black katanas.
Related Characters
Shiratsuyu-class Destroyers
External links
The following tags implicate this tag: kawakaze_(monochromatic_interlude)_(azur_lane) and kawakaze_(unsullied_white_fox)_(azur_lane) (learn more).
当她由Nagishiro Mito设计时,她与Shirakami Fubuki有着惊人的相似之处,看上去像是相似的(它们都是艺术家单色型Fox Girl Design的变种)。尽管很久以前就指出了这一点,但当后者通过2019年12月的合作活动在游戏中提供时,Fubuki甚至有一条线指出了这一点。