portland (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the American heavy cruiser Portland, drawn by Saru. Her younger sister is Indianapolis.

Portland's appearance consists of light purple hair done in a side ponytail and sporting a heart ahoge, blue eyes with heart-shaped pupils, a skin fang, and large breasts. She wears a black bikini top showing cleavage and an off shoulder blue shirt with a black sailor collar. She also wears a pleated black miniskirt with uneven legwear, usually a white thighhigh and a white sock with grey shoes.

The most distinctive part of her, however, is her personality. Portland displays intensive siscon/incest tendencies towards Indianapolis, referring to her in virtually every single line she has. In addition, she is shown holding multiple doujinshi of her beloved "Indy-chan". She likely outdoes Kantai Collection's Ooi in terms of obsessiveness over her sister ship.

For her retrofit form, see her corresponding page.



Portland-class heavy cruiser

The following tags implicate this tag: portland_(at_school_with_indy!)_(azur_lane) and portland_(retrofit)_(azur_lane) (learn more).

萨鲁(Saru)绘制的Azur Lane对美国重型巡洋舰波特兰的拟人化。她的妹妹是印第安纳波利斯。


然而,她最独特的部分是她的个性。波特兰展示了对印第安纳波利斯的密集的西斯康/乱伦倾向,几乎在她拥有的每一行中指的是她。此外,她被证明拿着她心爱的“ Indy-Chan”的多个Doujinshi。在对姐姐船上的痴迷方面,她可能超过了坎观收藏的OOI。

类型 角色
英文名 portland (azur lane)
日文名 ポートランド
别名 ;波特兰(碧蓝航线);ポートランド(アズールレーン);ポネキ;ポートランド