sei shounagon (fate)

An archer-class servant introduced in Fate/Grand Order.

An author, poet and court lady to Empress Fujiwara no Teishi. Shounagon authored The Pillow Book, a book of observations and personal musings she had during her service to the Empress. She is designed by Mika Pikazo.

Intially called herself as Kirakira no Archer, "The Sparkling Archer". She later refers to herself with her informal name Nagiko. She is a contemporary and rival of Murasaki Shikibu.

A notable otaku who tried to be as youthful and "in-touch" with modern culture as possible. Which were shown by her Noble Phantasm Emotional Engine - Full Drive, which features a double v, as well as her (in)famous dabbing attack pose.



The following tags implicate this tag: sei_shounagon_(happy_drive)_(fate) and sei_shounagon_(swimsuit_berserker)_(fate) (learn more).

作家,诗人和法院女士为富士皇后皇后皇后; Shounagon撰写了《枕头书》,这是她在为女皇服务期间的观察和个人沉思的书。她由Mika Pikazo设计。

非常称自己为基拉基拉(Kirakira),没有弓箭手,“闪闪发光的弓箭手”。后来,她以非正式的名字nagiko提到自己。她是Murasaki Shikibu的当代和竞争对手。

一个著名的宅男,试图与现代文化尽可能年轻和“接触”。她的崇高幻象情感引擎显示了这一点 - 完整的驱动器,其具有双V,以及她(In)著名的Dabbing攻击姿势。

类型 角色
英文名 sei shounagon (fate)
日文名 清少納言
别名 ;キラキラのアーチャー;清少納言;清少納言(Fate);諾子