shoukaku (kancolle)

Kantai Collection's personification of the Japanese aircraft carrier Shoukaku. Character design by Konishi, voiced by Nomizu Iori.

She is portrayed with long white hair with a hairband, brown eyes, and large breasts. Her default outfit is a nontraditional miko attire comprising a white kimono top, red hakama short skirt, black thigh boots with rudder and propeller gear, and a black muneate with her identifier "Shi" marked on it.

Her rigging is an archery-based setup comprising her flight deck to her right arm, brown yugake, multiple anti-aircraft gun placements on her waist and thigh boots, and a quiver to her back.

She is generally depicted as a calm, gentle, and polite woman. This references her career in which she was often damaged in battle and frequently sent back home for repairs, which can be interpreted as her staying at home for "housekeeping".

Her abyssal form is assumed to be the Aircraft Carrier Water Oni.


Base and kai
JAL (Japan Airlines collab)

Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: shoukaku_(kantai_collection) (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: shoukaku_(anniversary)_(kancolle), shoukaku_(christmas)_(kancolle), shoukaku_(jal)_(kancolle), shoukaku_(new_year)_(kancolle), shoukaku_(valentine)_(kancolle), shoukaku_(zuiun_festival)_(kancolle), and shoukaku_kai_ni_(kancolle) (learn more).

Kantai Collection對日本航空母艦Shoukaku的拟人化。 Konishi的角色設計,由Nomizu Iori發音。

她用長長的白發,帶有發帶,棕色的眼睛和大乳房描繪。她的默認服裝是一件非傳統的Miko服裝,包括白色和服上衣,紅色Hakama短裙,帶舵和螺旋槳裝備的黑色大腿靴子,以及帶有标識的“ Shi”的黑色Muneate。



以下标簽暗示此标簽:Shoukaku_(周年)_(Kancolle),Shoukaku_(聖誕節)_(kancolle),Shoukaku_(Jal)_(kancolle)_(kancolle),shoukaku_(new_year)_(kancolle),_(kancolle),shoukakakau_(shoukakaku_(valentelle)_(kancolle)_(kancolle)_(kancolle) shoukaku_(Zuiun_festival)_(kancolle)和shoukaku_kai_ni_(kancolle)(了解更多)。
類型 角色
英文名 shoukaku (kancolle)
别名 ;翔鶴;翔鶴(艦隊これくしょん);翔鶴(艦これ)