
Chun-Li (Traditional: 春麗. Simplified: 春丽) is a character in the Street Fighter series by Capcom. She is the first female playable character to appear in a 1-on-1 fighting game.

Introduced in Street Fighter II, Chun-Li was the youngest member of the roster and only female character in the game, the self-proclaimed "strongest woman in the world," and while not as physically powerful as the other characters, she was by far the quickest. Her most famous attack is the Hyakuretsukyaku ("Hundred Crack Legs", alternately known as "Lightning Legs"), where she repeatedly kicks her opponent from a tilted standing position with incredible speed.

In the Street Fighter series, Chun-Li was an Interpol investigator from China who had been searching for clues to the recent death of her father. Getting into a friendly spar with an old teacher of hers and friend of her father, Gen, he gives her a lead into who may have killed her father—the mysterious crime syndicate Shadaloo and its tyrannical leader M. Bison. After an encounter where M. Bison confirms he slew her father, a tearful Chun-Li swore vengeance and made it her life's mission to destroy Shadaloo and bring M. Bison to justice. She collaborated closely with Guile, Cammy White, Ryu, and the other World Warriors throughout the journey.

After M. Bison's supposedly final death during Street Fighter V, her mission complete, Chun-Li retired from Interpol and opened an orphanage to live a quieter life. The most famous of her young wards - practically her adopted daughter - is Li-Fen.

Chun-Li is one of Capcom's most popular characters and one of the most important females in video game history, appearing in numerous cross-overs and promotions. Her oldest and arguably greatest cross-company rival is SNK's Fatal Fury's Mai Shiranui.


Her first design was based on another character from Capcom called Tong Pooh.

She has brown eyes and long brown or black hair almost always done up in a double bun.

Standard costume consists of a blue china dress with puffy short sleeves and a white sash, two high side slits forming a pelvic curtain, brown pantyhose, cross-laced white boots, spiked bracelets, and hair pulled back in buns under white bun covers. She usually wears earrings.

In Street Fighter Zero, she wears a blue, sleeveless unitard and vest with sneakers and studded bracelets. Street Fighter IV & Street Fighter V introduced skimpier official alternate costumes, such as her backless dress; while Street Fighter 6 gave her a white/blue qipao & blue leggings.

Known moves


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Chun-Li在Street Fighter II中引入,是阵容中最年轻的成员,也是游戏中唯一的女性角色,自称是“世界上最强大的女人”,尽管没有其他角色那么强大,但她是迄今为止最快的。她最著名的攻击是Hyakuretsukyaku(“一百个裂纹腿”,或者称为“闪电腿”),在那里她反复以令人难以置信的速度从倾斜的站立位置上踢对手。

在《街头霸王》系列中,Chun-Li是来自中国的Interpol调查员,他一直在寻找她父亲最近去世的线索。与她的一位老老师和父亲的朋友一起进入一个友好的翼梁,他为她带来了可能杀死父亲的领导 - 神秘的犯罪集团Shadaloo及其专制领导人M. Bison。在一次相遇之后,M. Bison确认他杀死了她的父亲,这是一个泪流满面的Chun-li发誓复仇,并使她的一生摧毁了Shadaloo并将M. Bison绳之以法。在整个旅程中,她与Guile,Cammy White,Ryu和其他世界勇士密切合作。

贝森(M. Bison)在《街头霸王V》(Street Fighter V V)期间的最后死亡之后,她的任务完成了,春丽(Chun-Li)从国际刑警组织(Interpol)退休,开了一个孤儿院,过着安静的生活。她年轻的病房中最著名的一位 - 实际上是她的养女 - 是li -fen。

Chun-Li是Capcom最受欢迎的角色之一,也是视频游戏历史上最重要的女性之一,出现在众多的交叉和促销活动中。她最古老,可以说是最伟大的跨公司竞争对手是SNK的致命狂暴迈(Mai Shiranui)。

标准服装由一件蓝色的中国连衣裙组成,配有蓬松的短袖和一个白色的腰带,两个高侧缝,形成骨盆窗帘,棕色的连裤袜,交叉的白色靴子,尖刺的手镯,头发在白色的bun bun套下方的面包中向后拉。她通常戴耳环。

在《街头霸王》中,她穿着蓝色,无袖的unitard和背心,运动鞋和钉子手镯。 Street Fighter IV&Street Fighter V介绍了Skimpier官方备用服装,例如她的露背连衣裙;街头霸王6给了她白色/蓝色的Qipao和蓝色绑腿。
类型 角色
英文名 chun-li
日文名 春麗
别名 ;春麗;春丽;チュン・リー;チュンリー