eternity larva
The Butterfly Fairy who Approaches God
Stage 1 boss of the Touhou game Hidden Star in Four Seasons. In the demo, her name was misspelled as Etarnity Larva.
She has aqua hair with brown eyes. She has a forked antenna (actually an osmeterium) atop her head accompanied with some leaves around her head. She wears a green, larva-shaped dress and is barefooted. She has a pair of butterfly wings on her back. She is depicted with her arms stretched out in her character portrait. Her dress has short sleeves.
She is a butterfly fairy embodying the life cycle of a butterfly. Her abilities let her scatter scales. She is normally very gentle, but the incident has empowered her to be a bit more aggressive than usual.
In Cirno's Extra route, Okina speculates that Eternity may not be a mere fairy, but is in fact a Tokoyo Kami (or God of the Everlasting World) and one of her enemies.
External links
- Touhou Wiki:
在Cirno的额外路线中,Okina推测永恒可能不是童话,但实际上是Tokoyo Kami(或永恒世界的上帝)和她的一个敌人。