
Character from Granblue Fantasy. One of the ten Evokers, pactbearers with unique composite Primal Beasts, Fraux herself represents Strength among the Major Arcana.

Element: Fire
Style: Attack
Age: 24
Height: 173 cm
CV: Asakura Azumi

An Erune woman and one of the Evokers, Fraux is pactbearer to the Arcarum Primal Beast The Devil.

"Power too great, strength too great her destiny was altered by the whisper of a demon who snuck in using dark sentiments and the departure of a friend. But in the end, the brilliant power which at last fled from restraints is sure to illuminate the way of the path."

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Granblue Fantasy的角色。 Fraux本人是十个诱发者之一,具有独特的复合原始野兽的帕特伯特人,代表了主要的奥cana中的力量。


类型 unknown
英文名 fraux
别名 フラウ(グラブル);フラウ