hieda no akyuu

The "Memory of Gensokyo".

Resident historian of the Touhou series and ninth (and current) incarnation of the "Child of Miare", possessing a photographic memory as well as the ability to recall memories from her previous incarnations (Aichi, Ani, Ami, Ayo, Ago, Amu, Anana and Aya). In-universe author of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Symposium of Post-Mysticism, encyclical works on the various faces, places, and dates in Gensokyo. Also writes mystery fiction under the pen name Agatha Chris Q. Her original, "zeroth" incarnation was the author Hieda no Are, writer of the Kojiki.

After it was revealed that all Children of Miare generally live for around 30 years in Strange Creators of Outer World, some fans began to count the days until Akyuu's 30th birthday, which would be, according to Perfect Memento, around August/September 2024 (earliest August 7, latest September 6). However, ZUN has confirmed that Akyuu wouldn't die, and that the other characters wouldn't grow old, as the series runs on 'Sazae-san time', a floating timeline (commonly called "Comic Book Time" in the west due to its heavy use in that media). This didn't stop fans from awaiting the day. Around August 7th, 2024, fans across the world began discussing the death of Hieda no Akyuu.

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Touhou系列的常驻历史学家和“ Miarre的孩子”的第九个(以及目前的)化身,具有摄影记忆以及能够回忆她以前的化身的记忆的能力(Aichi,Ani,Ani,Ami,Ayo,Ayo,Ayo,Ayo,Aoto,Aot Aot,Amu,Amu,Anana和Aya)。在严格意义上,完美纪念品的宇宙作者和后神秘主义的座谈会,在Gensokyo的各个面​​部,地点和日期上的经典作品。还以笔名Agatha Chris Q来写神秘小说。她的原件“ Zeroth”化身是作者hieda no是Kojiki的作者。

在揭示了Miare的所有孩子通常在外部世界的奇异创作者中生活了大约30年之后,一些粉丝开始计数直到Akyuu 30岁生日的日子,根据Perfect Memento的说法,这将是2024年8月左右(最早的9月7日,最早的9月7日)。但是,Zun已经确认Akyuu不会死,并且其他角色不会变老,因为该系列在“ Sazae-san Time”上运行,这是一个浮动的时间表(通常称为西方的“漫画书”,这是由于其在该媒体中的大量使用)。这并没有阻止粉丝在等待这一天。 2024年8月7日左右,世界各地的粉丝开始讨论Hieda No Akyuu的死亡。
类型 角色
英文名 hieda no akyuu
日文名 稗田阿求
别名 ;稗田阿求;히에다노아큐