ice cream

Ice cream or ice-cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Ice cream can come in scoops.

While Danbooru often encourages tagging items with colors, as per forum #130116, ice cream will not have color-related tags due to them being regarded as superfluous and not widely used in tag searching. Please don't create tags for every possible ice cream color.


The following tags are aliased to this tag: icecream (learn more).

This tag implicates food (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: double_scoop, holding_ice_cream, ice_cream_cake, ice_cream_cone_spill, ice_cream_float, ice_cream_on_face, ice_cream_sandwich, neapolitan_ice_cream, single_scoop, soft_serve, sundae, too_many_scoops, and triple_scoop (learn more).



The following tags implicate this tag: double_scoop, holding_ice_cream, ice_cream_cake, ice_cream_cone_spill, ice_cream_float, ice_cream_on_face, ice_cream_sandwich, neapolitan_ice_cream, single_scoop, soft_serve, sundae, too_many_scoops, and triple_scoop (learn more).
类型 未定义
英文名 ice cream
日文名 アイスクリーム
别名 ice cream;アイス;アイスクリーム;ソフトクリーム;冰淇淋;冰激凌;雪糕