kamijou touma

A character from Toaru Majutsu no Index.
He is the main protagonist of the Toaru Majutsu no Index series and an important character in the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun series. As a Level 0 Academy City first-year high school student, his point-of-view allows the audience to become acquainted to the mysterious world of Toaru Majutsu no Index, and is mostly involved in the events of its Magic Side.
He possesses the mysterious Imagine Breaker in his right hand, which is capable of negating all forms of magic, esper powers, and other divine abilities. This, according to Index, even includes his own good luck, as they are the blessings of God.

He has a very strong desire to aid all those who are in need even if it means putting his life on the line and will not hesitate to challenge an opponent who is several times more powerful than himself. Because of his willingness to help others unconditionally, he has attracted the affections of many characters in the series, which Himegami Aisa jokes about, stating that his life is like a dating simulation where he is bound to unlock more paths to more girls


  • SoGeBu - A meme involving his signature catchphrase.

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来自Toaru Majutsu的角色没有索引。
他是Toaru Majutsu No Index系列的主要主角,也是Toaru Kagaku No Railgun系列中的重要角色。作为0级学院城市一年级的高中生,他的观点使观众熟悉了Toaru Majutsu No Index的神秘世界,并且主要参与其魔术方面的事件。
他的右手拥有神秘的想象中断器,它有能力否定各种形式的魔术,埃斯珀·鲍尔斯(Esper Powers)和其他神圣能力。根据索引,这甚至包括他自己的好运,因为它们是上帝的祝福。

他非常渴望帮助所有需要的人,即使这意味着将自己的生命置于界限上,并且会毫不犹豫地挑战比他自己强大几倍的对手。由于他愿意无条件地帮助他人,他吸引了该系列中许多角色的感情,Himegami aisa开玩笑说,他的生活就像一个约会模拟,他一定会为更多的女孩解锁更多的途径
类型 角色
英文名 kamijou touma
日文名 上条当麻
别名 ;上条当麻