kanzaki akihito
The main protagonist in the second Bishoujo Mangekyou, Wasurenagusa to Eien no Shoujo (Forgotten Grass & Eternal Girl).
After his childhood heart problems got worse, as time went on Akihito refused to go to school and has turned into the opposite of his past social self, who used to be good at studying, exercising, and getting along with everyone. This changes when he is reunited with his childhood friend and crush Sawatari Shizuku.
He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a school uniform: white dress shirt and black pants.
第二个Bishoujo Mangekyou,Wasurenagusa到Eien no Shoujo(被遗忘的草与永恒的女孩)的主要主角。
在他的童年心脏问题变得更糟之后,随着时间的流逝,阿基希托(Akihito)拒绝上学,并变成了他过去的社会自我的相反,他曾经擅长学习,锻炼和与所有人相处。当他与童年时代的朋友团聚并暗恋Sawatari Shizuku时,情况发生了变化。
在他的童年心脏问题变得更糟之后,随着时间的流逝,阿基希托(Akihito)拒绝上学,并变成了他过去的社会自我的相反,他曾经擅长学习,锻炼和与所有人相处。当他与童年时代的朋友团聚并暗恋Sawatari Shizuku时,情况发生了变化。