maekawa miku

Maekawa Miku is an iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls character in the Cute (Pink Flower) category.

She is obsessed with cats, she likes wearing cat ears and a tail with her costume, and even ends her sentences with "nya". Ironically, she hates fish.

Due to her popularity, she was selected for the second CINDERELLA MASTER CD series, alongside Kanzaki Ranko, Moroboshi Kirari, Jougasaki Mika and Shimamura Uzuki. Her seiyuu is Takamori Natsumi.

In the anime, she is in the unit Asterisk* with Tada Riina and both of their unit costumes are Over the Collar.


Height152 cm
Weight45 kg
BirthdayFebruary 22
Blood typeB
Three sizesB-85 W-55 H-81
HobbiesTouring Cat Cafes
Writing HandRight
SeiyuuTakamori Natsumi

External links

Maekawa Miku是可爱(粉红色花)类别中的Idolm@Ster Cinderella Girls角色。

她痴迷于猫,喜欢戴猫耳朵和服装尾巴,甚至以“ nya”结束了句子。具有讽刺意味的是,她讨厌鱼。

由于她的知名度,她与坎扎基·兰克(Kanzaki Ranko),莫罗贝西·基拉里(Moroboshi Kirari),乔加斯基·米卡(Jougasaki Mika)和辛玛村(Shimamamura Uzuki)一起被选为第二届Cinderella Master CD系列。她的Seiyuu是Takamori Natsumi。

在动漫中,她与塔达·里纳(Tada Riina)一起在单位星号上*,他们的两种装置都在衣领上。
类型 角色
英文名 maekawa miku
日文名 前川みく
别名 miku maekawa;前川みく