mikane sebiri

Original character by Kani Biimu. She was born in his Nicolive broadcasting. Her name, a wordplay for "to cadge money", came from this pose: post #1300645. She has brown eyes, pink hair with two side up and hair bobbles. She wears a kindergarten uniform.

Some jokingly say that she is the main character of this fictional light novel series: "5sai-ji da kedo Kane sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne!" (lit. As Long as There's Money, It Doesn't Matter If She is a Five-Year-Old Girl, Right?), abbreviated as Saikane.

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Kani Biimu的原始角色。她出生于他的尼古利(Nicolive)广播中。她的名字是“到金钱钱”的文字游戏,来自这个姿势:邮政#1300645。她有棕色的眼睛,粉红色的头发有两侧,头发发毛。她穿着幼儿园的制服。

有人开玩笑地说,她是这个虚构的轻小说系列的主角:“ 5sai-ji da Kedo Kane Sae Areba Kankei Nai Yo Ne!” (只要有钱,她还是一个五岁的女孩,对吗?
类型 unknown
英文名 mikane sebiri
别名 御金せびり;5才児だけど金さえあれば関係ないよねっ