mogami shizuka
An idol from Idolmaster Million Live!. Seemingly stoic and strict towards adults, but full of soft spots. Serious about being an idol.
- Age : 14
- Birthday : September 14 (Virgo)
- Height: 162cm
- Weight: 44kg
- Blood type: A
- Handedness: Right
- Hometown: Saitama
- Hobbies: Tennis
- Skills: Piano
- Likes: Udon
- Three sizes: 76-53-77
- Type: Vocal / Fairy
- Seiyuu : Tadokoro Azusa
External links
来自Idolmaster Million Live的偶像!看似坚忍,对成年人严格,但充满了柔软的斑点。认真对待偶像。