motoori kosuzu
The "Bibliophile with a Deciphering Eye". The main character of the official Touhou manga Forbidden Scrollery.
A young girl of the Human Village with the ability to decipher books written in any language. She wears a checkered kimono and an apron with "Kosuzu" written in romaji and "Suzunaan" (鈴奈庵) in kanji on the front, has red eyes, short red hair and two side up (or twintails) adorned with bells. Also wears glasses when reading.
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“有眼睛的书记iphile”。 Touhou官方漫画的主要角色禁止滚动。
一个人类村庄的年轻女孩,能够用任何语言写下书籍。她穿着一张方格的和服和一条围裙,上面写有romaji的“ kosuzu”和前面汉字的“ suzunaan”(suzunaan'(suzunaan),有红眼睛,红色的头发和两侧(或twintails),上面装饰着铃铛。阅读时还戴眼镜。
一个人类村庄的年轻女孩,能够用任何语言写下书籍。她穿着一张方格的和服和一条围裙,上面写有romaji的“ kosuzu”和前面汉字的“ suzunaan”(suzunaan'(suzunaan),有红眼睛,红色的头发和两侧(或twintails),上面装饰着铃铛。阅读时还戴眼镜。