onozuka komachi
The "Sanzu Ferryman", penultimate boss of Touhou's Phantasmagoria of Flower View and later a recurring playable character.
A shinigami with the ability to manipulate distance. She ferries the souls of the dead across the Sanzu River to be judged by her boss, Shiki Eiki. However, she is also notorious for being a carefree slacker who works at her own pace, much to the irritation of her employer, who sometimes beats her up with the Rod of Remorse. Mostly depicted with a rather large bust, which sometimes angers her superior, who is usually depicted with a flat chest.
Because of her connection with the Sanzu River, she may appear along with spider lilies.
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Touhou phantasmagoria of Flower View的倒数第二名,后来是可玩的角色。
具有操纵距离的能力。她在圣祖河上渡过了死者的灵魂,由老板Shiki Eiki判断。但是,她也因以自己的节奏工作而臭名昭著,因为她的雇主有时会以re悔的态度殴打她。大部分描绘的是一个相当大的胸围,有时会激怒她上级,通常用平坦的胸部描绘。
具有操纵距离的能力。她在圣祖河上渡过了死者的灵魂,由老板Shiki Eiki判断。但是,她也因以自己的节奏工作而臭名昭著,因为她的雇主有时会以re悔的态度殴打她。大部分描绘的是一个相当大的胸围,有时会激怒她上级,通常用平坦的胸部描绘。