oyama mahiro

Protagonist of Onii-chan wa Oshimai!. He wakes up one morning to find he was transformed into a girl when his little sister Mihari drugged him the night before.

Only add the genderswap (mtf) tag if her male form is also present. In situations where she appears alongside her original male self, the dual persona tag should be used.

Onii-chan wa oshimai!的主角!一个早晨,他醒来,发现他的妹妹米哈里(Mihari)在前一天晚上给他吸毒时,他变成了一个女孩。

类型 角色
英文名 oyama mahiro
日文名 緒山真尋
别名 ;緒山まひろ;緒山真尋