ragnarok online

A Korean MMORPG based on the manhwa Ragnarok by Myung-Jin Lee, released in 2002 by Gravity Co., Ltd, using the engine from their previous game Arcturus. Its popularity spawned the anime Ragnarok the Animation.

Due to numerous hacks that leaked the source code during the beta years of the game, semi-legal emulated private servers became the most popular way to play for non-East Asian gamers. The game's overall settings and design, particularly its class system, would go on to inspire numerous fantasy MMORPG and media. The franchise itself received several spin-offs and reboots over the years.

Classes (called Jobs in game)

NoviceGame Master
First Job

Note: High First Jobs are just palette swapped versions of the normal sprites.

Standard Jobs
First JobSecond Job(2-1)Second Job(2-2)Transcendent Second Job(2-1)Transcendent Second Job(2-2)Third Job(3-1)Third Job(3-2)Fourth Job(4-1)Fourth Job(4-2)
SwordsmanKnightCrusaderLord KnightPaladinRune KnightRoyal GuardDragon KnightImperial Guard
MageWizardSageHigh WizardProfessor (Scholar)WarlockSorcererArch MageElemental Master
ArcherHunterBard/DancerSniperClown (Minstrel)/GypsyRangerMinstrel (Maestro)/WandererWind HawkTroubadour/Trouvere
MerchantBlacksmithAlchemistWhitesmith (Mastersmith)Creator (Biochemist)MechanicGenetic (Geneticist)MeisterBiolo
ThiefAssassinRogueAssassin CrossStalker (Chaser)Guillotine CrossShadow ChaserShadow CrossAbyss Chaser
AcolytePriestMonkHigh PriestChampionArch bishopSura (Shura)CardinalInquisitor
Expanded Jobs
First JobSecond Job (2-1)Second Job (2-2)Third Job (3-1)Third Job (3-2)Fourth Job (4-1)Fourth Job (4-2)
TaeKwon (Kid)Soul LinkerStar Gladiator (TaeKwon Master)Soul ReaperStar EmperorSoul AsceticSky Emperor
NinjaKagerou/Oboro Shinkiro/Shiranui
GunslingerRebellion Night Watch
Super Novice Expanded Super Novice Hyper Novice
Summoner Spirit Handler
Unimplemented Jobs
First Job
Dark Knight

List of Ragnarok Online Characters

Spin-off Games


External links

The following tags implicate this tag: ragnarok:_guild_masters, ragnarok:_hikari_to_yami_no_koujo, ragnarok_battle_offline, ragnarok_masters, ragnarok_online_ds, ragnarok_origin, ragnarok_the_animation, ragnarok_violet, and ragnarok_x:_next_generation (learn more).

Myung-Jin Lee的Manhwa Ragnarok的韩国MMORPG,由Gravity Co.,Ltd于2002年发行,使用了他们以前的Arcturus游戏中的引擎。它的受欢迎程度催生了动画动画。


The following tags implicate this tag: ragnarok:_guild_masters, ragnarok:_hikari_to_yami_no_koujo, ragnarok_battle_offline, ragnarok_masters, ragnarok_online_ds, ragnarok_origin, ragnarok_the_animation, ragnarok_violet, and ragnarok_x:_next_generation(了解更多)。
类型 作品
英文名 ragnarok online
日文名 ラグナロクオンライン
别名 ;RO;ラグナロクオンライン;仙境傳說;rowitter;仙境传说RO;ROお絵描き;라그나로크온라인;仙境传说;Ragnarok;RO20周年;【PURO】