soga no tojiko

The "Departed Spirit of the Children of the Gods".

Stage 5 midboss of Touhou's Ten Desires.

She is a very practical woman who can use coarse language. She also appears to be a foil to Futo's air-headed, jovial nature. In spite of the language she uses, she's actually kind, though short-tempered. Her friendship/rivalry with Mononobe no Futo led her to be unable to reincarnate like Futo and Toyosatomimi no Miko. Soga instead came back as a ghost, with two ghost tails in the place of legs. Exactly where her body transitions from human-like to ghost-like is unclear, due to the long dress that she wears.

Her name came from Tojiko no Iratsume, a daughter of Soga no Umako and consort of Shoutoku Taishi. Since her name comes from the consort of the character on whom Toyosatomimi no Miko was based, the two are often depicted by fans as a couple.


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The following tags implicate this tag: soga_no_tojiko_(living) and soga_no_tojiko_(radish) (learn more).

她是一个非常实用的女人,可以使用粗语。她似乎也是Futo空头,快速自然的箔纸。尽管她使用的语言,但她实际上很友善,尽管脾气暴躁。她与Mononobe No Futo的友谊/竞争使她无法像Futo和Toyosatomimi No Miko那样转世。索加(Soga)反而以幽灵的身份回来,有两个幽灵尾巴在腿上。由于她穿着的长裙,她的身体从类似人的身体过渡到类似幽灵的地方尚不清楚。

她的名字来自Tojiko No Iratsume,他是Soga No Umako的女儿,也是Shoutoku Taishi的配偶。由于她的名字来自Toyosatomimi No Miko所在的角色的配偶,因此两者经常被粉丝描绘成一对。

类型 角色
英文名 soga no tojiko
日文名 蘇我屠自古
别名 ;蘇我屠自古;苏我屠自古;소가노_토지코