spy x family

2019 Shounen Jump+ comedy manga by Endou Tatsuya, simulreleased on the MangaPLUS app/website (translated originally in-house before it was picked up by VIZ).

Set in a fictional version of the Cold War-era 1960s between the nations of Westalis (based on West Germany) and Ostania (based on East Germany), the story revolves around Twilight, a top secret Westalis spy, who has been ordered to find the secrets of the Ostanian politician, Donovan Desmond. In order to complete his mission, he goes undercover in Ostania under the name Loid Forger, adopts a girl named Anya and marries a woman named Yor Briar, to pose as his fake family. Unknown to Twilight/Loid, his wife is actually the assassin known as the "Thorn Princess", and Anya possesses telepathic powers, being the only one who knows the truth about her adopted parents.


Main cast
Secondary cast
Supporting cast


External links

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Endou Tatsuya的2019年Shounen Jump+喜剧漫画,在Mangaplus App/网站上进行了SimulRrere(最初是在内部翻译,然后被VIZ捡起)。

该故事设置在韦斯塔利斯国家(基于西德)和奥斯塔尼亚(基于东德)之间的冷战时代的1960年代的虚构版本中,故事围绕着暮光之城,围绕着暮光之城,暮光之城是韦斯塔利斯的顶级间谍,他们被命令找到奥斯坦政治家的秘密,奥斯坦政治家的秘密。为了完成他的任务,他以Loid Forger的名字在Ostania卧底,收养了一个名叫Anya的女孩,并嫁给了一个名叫Yor Briar的女人,使他成为他的假家庭。他的妻子实际上是被称为“刺公主”的刺客,而Anya拥有心灵感应力量,是唯一知道她被收养父母的真相的人。
类型 作品
英文名 spy x family
日文名 スパイファミリー
别名 spy x family;SPY×FAMILY;スパイファミリー;SPYxFAMILY;spy_family;SPYFAMILY;スパイファミリーファンアート;间谍过家家