tachibana kanade

A character from Angel Beats!, primarily known as Angel/Tenshi. She is the acting Student Council president and antagonist to the Shinda Sekai Sensen (Afterlife War Front). She is capable of performing various supernatural abilities called "Guard Skills", such as summoning out of thin air blades from her forearms. She is sometimes depicted with white wings.

She has long light blue or aqua hair and yellow eyes.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: angel_(angel_beats!), tenshi_(angel_beats!), and tenshi_(angel_beats) (learn more).

Angel Beats!的角色,主要被称为Angel/Tenshi。她是Shinda Sekai Sensen(来世战争阵线)的代理学生会主席和对手。她有能力执行称为“后卫技能”的各种超自然能力,例如从前臂稀薄的空气叶片召唤出来。有时她用白翅膀描绘。

类型 角色
英文名 tachibana kanade
日文名 立華奏
别名 天使;立華かなで;立華奏