toshinou kyouko

The substantial main protagonist of Yuru Yuri. The main protagonist is originally supposed to be Akaza Akari, but Akari's presence is noticed less and less as more characters are introduced.

Kyouko is often causing Funami Yui bother and crushing on Yoshikawa Chinatsu. Despite her lazy attitude, she often gets high scores in tests after cram sessions and is also a talented doujin artist. She loves rum raisin ice cream and a magical girl character known as Mirakurun. Yui and Akari are her childhood friends. Occasionally cosplay as Rivalun.

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尤鲁·尤里(Yuru Yuri)的主要主角。主要的主角原本应该是Akaza Akari,但是随着引入更多的角色,Akari的存在越来越少。

Kyouko经常引起Funami Yui打扰并压制Yoshikawa Chinatsu。尽管她的态度懒惰,但她经常在CRAM会议后的考试中获得很高的分数,并且还是一位才华横溢的Doujin艺术家。她喜欢朗姆酒葡萄干冰淇淋和一个名为Mirakurun的神奇女孩角色。 Yui和Akari是她的童年朋友。偶尔会扮演cosplay作为Rivalun。
类型 角色
英文名 toshinou kyouko
日文名 歳納京子
别名 toshinou kyouko;歳納京子;歳納京子