uchiha sasuke

A major character in the anime/manga Naruto. A teammate of Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura. He became a rogue ninja in order to reap revenge on his older brother Itachi. He is one of the last remaining members of the Uchiha Clan. Sasuke's voice actor is Sugiyama Noriaki in Japan, and Yuri Lowenthal in the English dub.

动漫/漫画火影忍者的主要角色。 Uzumaki Naruto和Haruno Sakura的队友。他成为流氓忍者,以报仇他的哥哥Itachi。他是Uchiha家族的最后剩下的成员之一。佐助的配音演员是日本的sugiyama noriaki,在英国配音中是英国配音。
类型 角色
英文名 uchiha sasuke
日文名 うちはサスケ
别名 uchiha sasuke;うちはサスケ;うちはサスケ