
For tagging purposes a whip is a tool with a long flexible line (lash) used to strike animals or people to aid in guidance or exert control through pain compliance or fear of pain. They are frequently depicted in bdsm.

A second style of whip are those that are a firm stick and lack a lash. For tagging purposes these images should be tagged riding crop instead.

The distinct loud sound of a whip "cracking" as it is swung is produced by a part of the lash breaking the sound barrier and generating a small sonic boom.

The whip is a signature weapon of the Belmont (JP: Belmondo) clan.

For The King of Fighters character, see Whip (KoF).

See Also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: whips (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: cat_o'_nine_tails (learn more).



类型 角色
英文名 whip
日文名 whip
别名 Whip;whip;鞭;ムチ
链接 myfigurecollection.net