yamada aoi

A lazy, impulsive, and clumsy girl who appeared out of nowhere and started living and working at the restaurant. Her real last name isn't "Yamada". She is the largest troublemaker within the cast. She's quite short compared to most of the rest of the regular cast but still significantly taller than the tiny Taneshima Popura.

Her manner of speech is lady like but she acts child like. To not forget her false last name "Yamada" she started to speak in third person referring to herself as "Yamada" which is considered childish in Japan.

Character from Working!!

一个懒惰,冲动和笨拙的女孩,她无处不在,开始在餐厅生活和工作。她真正的姓氏不是“ Yamada”。她是演员中最大的麻烦制造者。与大多数常规演员阵容相比,她的时间很短,但仍然比Tiny Taneshima Popura高得多。

她的演讲方式是女士,但她表现得像孩子一样。不要忘记她的虚假姓氏“ Yamada”,她开始用第三人称说话,称自己为“ Yamada”,在日本被认为是幼稚的。
类型 角色
英文名 yamada aoi
日文名 山田葵
别名 ;山田葵